Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pirates Ahoy!

Went and visited my old friend and all around good critter Chris Mazany last week at his den of devious enterprise, Blackjack's Speed Shop. I'd been summoned by Mr Mazany (don't say his surname wrong or he'll beat you) to take a brief on knocking up some new business cards for him, so t'was a perfect chance to check out his new factory and the tasty treats that lurk within.

Chris had spied this spunky little '33 some years ago in the City of Angels, and on a recent business trip to that crazy place, he managed to twist the owner's arm (Chris is a big mother-trucker and apparently that arm was near snapping point) into letting it go to a new home. And that new home is right here in good ol' NZ. Right on, cheers to that!

That's a gen-u-ine, steel bodied hunk of Henry's goodness you're looking at right there, kids. Shoot, it sits so pretty, just like a real lady should! And although others beg to differ, I really dig the paintwork. It looks like it just left a ZZ Top video shoot! I opened the door, but unlike the Legs video, a disappointing lack of snatch (actually, none) exited the cockpit.

Chris being Chris, he plans on upgrading the engineering (which most likely means a total redo) and changing out the paint scheme – probably just to rip my undies. What can I say, the man's a perfectionist. And that was proven when he made me redo his business card 9 times to get it just right.

Blackjack's Speed Shop – go visit his site and buy something, fer Chrissakes!!!

Mr Howard – NZ

Monday, January 28, 2013


This christmas, Jenny and I were lucky enough to travel to the UK for 2 weeks followed by Bali for 10 days.
1200 miles in 6 days around a fair chunk of Britain and Wales, and this was the only bike I saw worthy of photographing. And it was in a Stealership. And when I asked if they had any other older bikes around, they asked if I meant Evo's. Hah!!!

Mr Howard – NZ

Friday, January 25, 2013

Born Free

My Born Free has officially started.. of course I am months behind already. Fuck.
Thanks to Victor Macias for stopping by and snapping a few pics!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Must have been around 2004 when I met Tim Lind (Show Class Mag) when he drove out from NC to buy a Pan chopper I had up for sale on the interwebs. I knew right away he was a solid dude and was glad the Pan was going to someone who would love and enjoy that chopper. We stayed in touch and a few years later he asked me to revise his trusty Pan... good times.
Tim's Pan V1.0
Tim's Pan V2.0

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Atomic Pan naked

Raw version of the Atomic Pan.. I really liked this bike set up naked!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Atomic Pan

I built this about 10 years ago, I see a few things I would like to change. What about you?

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Well, 2012 is gone and I gotta say "good riddance". Looking forward to 2013, new faces, new places, old bikes, and good times coming.
I am going to focus on keeping this blog updated with my Born Free build as well as a new Pan/Shovel I am building for myself.. The Mexi Pan will be resurrected shortly and possibly a really nasty stroker Knuckle..
Going to TRY to get down to old Mexico for the EDR this year.. its been too long since building this fine moochine and proceeded to put the ED Special through hell on EDR #1... gotta figure out a way t get down....

Ed Special